Rabu, 17 Mei 2017

WannaCry Not First NSA-Enabled Cyberattack

The NSA-enabled Windows loophole used in WannaCry previously made computers mine Monero (XMR) in a separate attack.

According to research reported by Ars Technica, hackers were able to exploit the vulnerability in unpatched Windows operating systems for financial gain as early as April 24.

Using mining software called Adylkuzz, the same weaknesses meant attackers were “surprisingly effective at compromising Internet-connected computers,” according to Proofpoint researcher Kafeine.

Not only that, but WannaCry may have in fact slowed down due to the pre-existing exploit.

Kafeine wrote in a Proofpoint blog post :
“Initial statistics suggest that this attack may be larger in scale than WannaCry, affecting hundreds of thousands of PCs and servers worldwide.”
“...Because this attack shuts down SMB networking to prevent further infections with other malware (including the WannaCry worm) via that same vulnerability, it may have in fact limited the spread of last week’s WannaCry infection.”

The effects of WannaCry are still ongoing as ransom money slowly trickles through to perpetrators.

The post confirms that otal yield from the Adylkuzz scheme appears to be around $43,000 distributed among three XMR wallets.
Two major campaigns have now employed the attack tools and vulnerability. We expect others will follow and recommend that organizations and individuals patch their machines as soon as possible.”

Source : Cointelegraph.
Author :  By  William Suberg

Selasa, 16 Mei 2017


Salah satu serangan cyber terbesar dalam beberapa hari terakhir telah mempengaruhi negara-negara di seluruh dunia, dan itu menargetkan pengguna Windows.

Hampir tidak mungkin melewatkan berita tentang serangan ransomware global yang dikenal sebagai "WannaCry." Program jahat ini telah mengunci akses PC ke seluruh dunia dan menuntut pembayaran Bitcoin untuk mendekripsi file di komputer.

Serangan skala ini sangat menakutkan, terutama ketika organisasi besar seperti British National Health Service (NHS) dan salah satu penyedia telekomunikasi terbesar di Spanyol termasuk di antara korban.

Selasa, 09 Mei 2017


Penggemar telepon Windows berharap setidaknya ada sedikit informasi tentang strategi mobile Microsoft dari konferensi pengembang Build yang akan datang. Mereka akan mendapatkannya ... tapi mungkin tidak seperti yang mereka harapkan.

Mengatakan bahwa menjadi penggemar telepon Windows adalah naiknya ekspektasi roller coaster, kekecewaan dan emosi akan menjadi sebuah pernyataan yang meremehkan. Kami telah menghentikan harapan kami untuk platform pada hal-hal seperti Windows Phone 8, Lumia 950 dan 950 XL, dan Windows 10 Mobile.

Kami sangat senang, tapi ketika keadaan semakin memburuk saat banyak pengembang meninggalkan platform dan pangsa pasar anjlok (diperkirakan diberikan penghematan), frustrasi dan kekecewaan kembali dengan sungguh-sungguh. Banyak penggemar tidak tahan lagi.